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*As United Methodist we believe in Holistic Service to others because abundant life in Christ is both now and later. God cares about both bodies and our souls so that we want our neighbors to experience the joys of God's Kingdom today. In addition to the ministries below, we also open our church doors for community groups such as Al-Anon,  Boy Scout Troop 356, Cub Scouts Pack 66, several Girl Scout troops, Holly Springs Newcomers Group and Vision-Impaired Support Group.  


Backpack Ministries Delivery Day


ALL HANDS IN—HSUMC partners in the BACKPACK Ministries with Oakview Elementary Schools. If you would like to make food donations, items may be placed in the purple bins located by the water fountain in the CLC.
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HOLLY SPRINGS FOOD CUPBOARD—Donations of non-perishable items may be placed in the red bin in the CLC by the water fountain. Current needs: peanut butter, jelly (plastic containers), cereal, canned fruit, canned meat, canned pasta, sauces of all kinds (plastic containers).
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